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  • Kevin Chung's avatar
    3.0.0a1 (#1523) · adc70fb3
    Kevin Chung authored
    Alpha release of CTFd v3. 
    # 3.0.0a1 / 2020-07-01
    - CTFd is now Python 3 only
    - Render markdown with the CommonMark spec provided by `cmarkgfm`
    - Render markdown stripped of any malicious JavaScript or HTML.
      - This is a significant change from previous versions of CTFd where any HTML content from an admin was considered safe.
    - Inject `Config`, `User`, `Team`, `Session`, and `Plugin` globals into Jinja
    - User sessions no longer store any user-specific attributes.
      - Sessions only store the user's ID, CSRF nonce, and an hmac of the user's password
      - This allows for session invalidation on password changes
    - The user facing side of CTFd now has user and team searching
    - GeoIP support now available for converting IP addresses to guessed countries
    **Admin Panel**
    - Use EasyMDE as an improved description/text editor for Markdown enabled fields.
    - Media Library button now integrated into EasyMDE enabled fields
    - VueJS now used as the underlying implemen...
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